Does Marijuana Cause Schizophrenia? The Link between Cannabis and Psychosis

Does Marijuana Cause Schizophrenia. The Link between Cannabis and Psychosis. Does Marijuana Cause Schizophrenia. The Link between Cannabis and Psychosis Even as proponents of cannabis legalization contend that marijuana is a harmless natural substance that improves quality of life, a growing body of evidence links it in a small but significant number of users to the induction or aggravation of psychosis. Psychotic disorders are arguably the most serious of mental illnesses, the best known being schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is an illness characterized by delusions, hallucinations, odd behavior, and is among the top 10 leading causes of disability in the United States ... [Read More]

Can Cannabis Cure Cancer? Debunking the Hype and Exploring the Potential

Debunking the Hype: Cannabis and Cancer. Debunking the Hype: Cannabis and Cancer Among alternative cancer treatments, cannabis inhabits a peculiarly politicized position, hailed as a suppressed panacea by some, denounced as a dangerous drug by others. But what is the truth behind cannabis and cancer. . Among alternative cancer treatments, cannabis inhabits a peculiarly politicized position, hailed as a suppressed panacea by some, denounced as a dangerous drug by others. But what is the truth behind cannabis and cancer. While cannabis compounds like THC have shown promising results in reducing brain tumor volume in mice and suppressing cancer cell growth ... [Read More]

The Potential Effects of Marijuana Legalization on Public Health

Opinions on marijuana legalization range from regarding it as a landmark human rights advance to one of a disastrous, anarchic profiteering sham. Most may agree, though, that the trillion-dollar war on weed has been a failed policy, a vehicle for the hideous expression of our racism, diverting law enforcement resources away from violent crime, and yet having no appreciable effect on marijuana availability. . Opinions on marijuana legalization range from regarding it as a landmark human rights advance to one of a disastrous, anarchic profiteering sham. Most may agree, though, that the trillion-dollar war on weed has been a failed ... [Read More]

The Truth About Marijuana: Researching the Health Effects

The Importance of Researching Marijuana's Health Effects. The Importance of Researching Marijuana's Health Effects Research on the health effects of marijuana has been limited and slow to emerge. This article explores the reasons behind the lack of rigorous studies and the implications for medical treatments. Despite the availability of research funds, historical restrictions and political barriers have hindered scientific exploration into the potential benefits of cannabis. . Research on the health effects of marijuana has been limited and slow to emerge. This article explores the reasons behind the lack of rigorous studies and the implications for medical treatments. Despite the ... [Read More]

The Institute of Medicine Report on the Health Effects of Marijuana

When some misinformed people hear of the grand opening of a new plant-based medical practice, one plant in particular may come to mind. Over the years, I’ve gotten lots of questions about cannabis, and I figure it’s high time to try to clear the haze. I didn’t want to just take a pot shot token effort and end up with some half-baked puff piece. There are burning issues about a growing industry, with so much buzz and smoke and mirrors, the science can really take a hit. I mean, are there acute chronic effects. Blunt trauma from impaired driving perhaps. ... [Read More]

The Natural Laws of Nutrition: A Journey to Healthy Living

In this article, we will explore the natural laws of nutrition and how they can help us achieve optimal health. We will also discuss the importance of following a healthy diet and how it can reverse various illnesses and even promote reverse aging. So, let's dive in. . In this article, we will explore the natural laws of nutrition and how they can help us achieve optimal health. We will also discuss the importance of following a healthy diet and how it can reverse various illnesses and even promote reverse aging. So, let's dive in. The Journey Begins. The Journey ... [Read More]

Top 10 Nutrition Myths Debunked: Separating Fact from Fiction

Bread / Carbs are Not Bad for You. Bread / Carbs are Not Bad for You Carbohydrates have gotten a bad rap in the media, but they are not bad for you. While it is true that cutting carbs can help with weight loss, it is important to remember that carbs are a good source of energy. Nutrient timing is not a big deal when it comes to body composition, but if you are on a low-carb diet, it is recommended to have carbs around training for energy. . Carbohydrates have gotten a bad rap in the media, but they ... [Read More]

Debunking 5 Common Nutrition Myths

There are numerous nutrition myths that are commonly heard, but it's important to understand why they are blatantly wrong and incorrect. In this article, we will debunk five of these myths and provide you with the facts. . There are numerous nutrition myths that are commonly heard, but it's important to understand why they are blatantly wrong and incorrect. In this article, we will debunk five of these myths and provide you with the facts. Myth 1: Saturated Fat is the Enemy. Myth 1: Saturated Fat is the Enemy Contrary to popular belief, saturated fat is not bad for you. ... [Read More]

Top 13 Nutrition Lies That Made the World Sick and Fat

Top 13 Nutrition Lies That Made the World Sick and Fat. Top 13 Nutrition Lies That Made the World Sick and Fat Nutrition is full of all kinds of nonsense. The worst examples are listed here, but unfortunately, this is just the tip of the iceberg. Here are the top 13 nutrition lies that have made the world both sick and fat:. Nutrition is full of all kinds of nonsense. The worst examples are listed here, but unfortunately, this is just the tip of the iceberg. Here are the top 13 nutrition lies that have made the world both sick ... [Read More]

6 Weird Things Dietitians Do That Are Actually Healthy

Vitamins and minerals play a crucial role in our overall health. It's not just about calories or weight; it's about so much more. In this article, we will explore six weird things that dietitians do that may seem abnormal to others but are actually beneficial for our holistic health. . Vitamins and minerals play a crucial role in our overall health. It's not just about calories or weight; it's about so much more. In this article, we will explore six weird things that dietitians do that may seem abnormal to others but are actually beneficial for our holistic health. 1. ... [Read More]